You’ve just written your latest blog post or uploaded a new webpage to your website, and you want to make sure that Google knows about it…. Like right now, not next week. We have been researching and creating new webpages for different kinds of logos, and as part of that process, we wanted to be sure that the new pages were indexed by Google as soon as possible.
We were told that to have google index our pages faster; we can follow these simple steps. Really what this means is that we are going to request indexing for a URL. Officially, Google says that this can take “up to a week or two,” BUT our test showed indexing in less than 2 minutes. Yes, less than 120 seconds.
First things first, this advice assumes that you have an account at Google Search Console. If you don’t, head over to and click on “Start Now.”
Ok, now you have an account at GSC (Google Search Console), so log in and click on the “URL Inspection” in the left menu. You’ll see that the “Inspect any URL” at the top gets highlighted.
Now, paste in the full URL of your brand new webpage or shiny new blog post, and be sure to include the https://
Click “Request Indexing”
Follow the next steps at